Health, safety, and environmental governance

GRI 403-3

Safeguarding the life and health of our employees and ensuring a favourable living environment for future generations are key EVRAZ priorities. Health, safety, and environment (HSE) management forms an integral part of our business, from strategic decision-making to operational activities. EVRAZ applies a structured management approach, continuously improving processes, management approaches, and control systems as well as providing a unified reporting structure, principles, and policies.

HSE principles

In order to ensure that this approach is integrated into our operational performance, the Group elaborated the EVRAZ HSE Policy This comprises five core HSE principles and applies to all our employees and contractors.

GRI 403-4

The HSE Committee of the Board of Directors and the HSE management committee regularly organise meetings on health and safety issues: once every six months and on a monthly basis, respectively. The EVRAZ CEO exercises overall control over HSE activity and approves respective targets in this area. At the executive level, HSE issues are regulated by the HSE Management Committee. The HSE Vice President is supervised by the EVRAZ CEO and reports to the HSE Management Committee. Each Group operation has its own HSE function and safety representatives, which report to general directors in each segment, with oversight from the HSE Vice President. In accordance with the EVRAZ HSE Policy, managers at all Group levels are responsible for HSE compliance. All EVRAZ enterprises report on their performance to the corporate HSE function on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.

HSE corporate management structure
Distribution of responsibilities in EVRAZ HSE governance structure
Units Responsibilities
HSE Committee of the Board of Directors
  • Assessing the effects of the Group’s HSE initiatives on key stakeholder groups and on EVRAZ reputation
  • Liaising between the management and the Board when there have been fatalities or serious incidents in the workplace, including to ensure that remedial action is implemented effectively
  • Reviewing HSE strategy, monitoring pertinent parts of any independent operational audits and making recommendations for action or improvement
  • Overall supervision of HSE activity
  • Approval of HSE targets
HSE Management Committee
  • Setting HSE goals
  • Approving and monitoring HSE programmes and initiatives
  • Incident investigation review
  • Setting corrective measures to improve HSE management system
EVRAZ Investment Committee
  • Monitoring of HSE capital investment projects implementation
HSE Vice President
  • Strategic and detailed supervision of HSE activity
  • Reporting to the HSE Management Committee
Health and Safety Directorate
  • Delivery of the Group’s HSE strategy through developing and monitoring H&S KPIs, initiatives and procedures
  • Planning of H&S performance and projects
  • Developing corporate H&S requirements
Industrial Safety Directorate
  • Delivery of the Group’s HSE strategy through developing and monitoring Industrial Safety KPIs, initiatives and procedures
  • Planning of industrial safety performance and projects
  • Incidents investigation
  • Developing corporate industrial safety requirements
  • Implementation of internal process safety audits and risk assessment
Environmental Management Directorate
  • Delivery of the Group’s HSE strategy through developing and monitoring environmental KPIs, initiatives and procedures
  • Environmental risk assessment and mitigation measures development
  • Developing corporate environmental requirements
  • HSE-related data collection and consolidation
  • Continuous monitoring and analysis of applicable legislation in order to ensure compliance
Internal Audit Directorate
  • Performing an independent assessment of the Group’s HSE management procedures
HSE function at segment level
  • Regular (monthly, quarterly, and annually) reporting HSE performance to the corporate HSE function
  • Reporting on the implementation status of HSE projects

The Group executes a four-phase HSE management process consisting of forecasting, developing initiatives, monitoring, and analysis. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the HSE management system, the Group conducts both internal and external audits.

HSE management process

To ensure that our HSE principles are implemented we perform the following actions, which are the core of the HSE management system:

  • Rolling out initiatives to continually improve HSE metrics
  • Applying the best HSE practices
  • Taking into account stakeholder opinions, setting HSE standards for contractors, and promoting respective compliance
  • Developing, measuring, and analysing HSE indicators and assessing how they comply with both external and internal regulations
  • Provide transparent information to stakeholders vis-à-vis HSE incentives, goals, and results
  • Striving to ensure a free and transparent flow of information at all corporate levels, as well as with contractors
  • Applying industry best practices to mitigate against operational risks and to promote the rational use of resources
  • Complying with all applicable legislation and other regulations

External Initiatives

The EVRAZ HSE principles stipulate that the Group is obliged to apply best practices in the industry in order to mitigate against operational risks, facilitate the rational use of resources, and share information on HSE practices. EVRAZ is an active member of a number of associations.

Membership of HSE‑related associations
World Steel Association

EVRAZ is on the Technology Policy (TPCO) and Safety and Health (SHCO) and Environmental Policy (EPCO) committees of the World Steel Association. During committee meetings, companies exchange best industry practices and share materials related to health, safety, and the environment.

EVRAZ is engaged in cooperation and knowledge-sharing with members of the World Steel Association. The Group integrates the best solutions identified into the HSE management system.

Russian Steel EVRAZ participates in all major Russian Steel commissions, including the Commission for the Protection of Labour, Industrial, and Environmental Safety and the Commission for Production, Technology, Training, and Education.
Russian Union of Industrials and Entrepreneurs

EVRAZ is a member of the Mining Commission, the Metals Commission, the Digital Economy Committee, and the Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility and Demographic Policies.

EVRAZ participates in various environmental and health and safety initiatives, including auditing the implementation of best available techniques at EVRAZ enterprises.