Memberships of associations and institutions
GRI 102-13
EVRAZ plays an active role in collaborating with prominent industry and business association and institutions. The Group supports initiatives and conferences and participates in various round tables and discussions. We consider our industrial and operational features as well as adopted sustainability principles when decide to participate in associations. In the reporting period we became a member of the Donor’s Forum, the largest association of grant-making organisations operating in Russia, with the aim of creating value for the residents of the country.
As of 2019, EVRAZ was a member of the following organisations:
- The Russian Managers Association (AMR)
- The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
- The Association of Industrialists of the Mining and Metals Production Sector of Russia (AMROS)
- The World Steel Association (WSA)
- The Russian Steel Association
- The Non-Commercial Partnership National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing (NP NAEN)
- The Association of Railway Equipment Manufacturers
- The Consumer Council on Operations of OJSC Russian Railways
- The Steel Construction Development Association (SCDA)
- The Russian Union of Metal and Steel Suppliers
- The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
- The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce
- Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
- Canadian Steel Producers Association
- Canadian Chamber of Commerce
- Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce
- The American Iron and Steel Institute
- The Donors’ Forum
And an associate member of the following organisations:
- The Association of American Railroads
In 2019, we had sponsor membership in the following associations:
- The Association for Iron and Steel Technology
- The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Foundation