The number of EVRAZ employees reached 71,215 in 2019. Compared to 2018 the headcount of the Group rose by 2.2%. An increase in headcount was mainly caused by realisation of numerous corporate projects, which include EBS (EVRAZ Business System) Transformation, Procurement Transformation as well as due to the production increase.
Number of employees, as of 31 December, 2017–2019, peopleThe numbers presented differ from those presented in Sustainability Report 2018 due to a change in the scope: data on several social-oriented assets was added in 2019. Moreover, in Sustainability Report 2018, the number of employees included those who worked civil-legal nature contracts. The numbers presented in Sustainability Report 2019 do not include this category. The numbers in this section are also differing from Annual Report 2019.
Number of employees, 31 December 2019, broken down by segments, people
Breakdown of employees and top-management by age, 31 December 2019, %
Breakdown of top-management by age, 31 December 2019, %This group comprises the CEO, vice presidents, directors of production functions, and directors of other departments.
GRI 401-1
Employee turnover
Employee turnover levels in the past three years are showing different trends in different segments.
Overall employee turnover broken down by segments, 2017 – 2019, %
Overall and voluntary employee turnover broken down by segments, 2019, %